As a parent, you play a crucial role in your child’s learning and development. You are not only their first, but also their most influential teacher. And one of the greatest gifts you can give your child is a love for reading.

Encouraging this love can be as easy as letting your child choose their own book, even if it’s not one you’re particularly fond of. By allowing them to make their own choices and exploring their interests, you can help foster a love of reading that will last a lifetime.

One of the best ways to encourage this love is through talking with your child about the books they choose. Read the book with them, letting them join in if they want to try. And after you finish, take the time to discuss the story and pictures together.

But reading doesn’t just have to happen with a book in hand. You can incorporate reading into your daily life by reading signs as you pass them or talking and listening to your child. Watching a TV program and discussing it, playing board games, and singing together are also great ways to encourage your child’s love of reading.

Finally, lead by example. Show your child that reading is important to you by taking the time to read a book yourself. By doing so, you not only encourage a love of reading in your child, but also model the importance of lifelong learning. Start now, and enjoy a lifetime of shared stories and experiences!


Here are a few really easy things you can do to encourage a love of reading.

  • let your child choose their book themselves, even if you don’t like it ,
  • talking with them about the book they chose,
  • reading it to them,
  • letting them join in with your reading if they want to try,
  • talking about the book and the pictures after you have read it,
  • reading signs as you pass them,
  • talking and really listening to your child,
  • listening to a story together and talking about it,
  • watching a tv program and talking about it,
  • playing board games together,
  • singing along to songs together,
  • taking time to read a book yourself so they see you reading.